Photovoltaic Materials and Cell Technology
PV (Photovoltaic)
Techniques or devices for the direct conversion of light energy into electrical energy
c-Si (Crystalline Silicon)
The most commonly used material for photovoltaic cells, including monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon.
mono-Si (Monocrystalline Silicon)
Silicon materials consisting of a single crystal structure are more efficient.
poly-Si (Polycrystalline Silicon)
Silicon material made up of multiple grains, which is less expensive but slightly less efficient.
a-Si (Amorphous Silicon)
A thin-film solar cell material with good low-light performance
PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell)
A high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cell structure
TOPCON (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact)
A new high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cell technology
HJT (Heterojunction Technology)
High-efficiency solar cell technology combining the advantages of crystalline and amorphous silicon
IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact)
An efficient cell structure with all electrodes on the back of the cell
BSR (Back Surface Reflector)
Cell backside structure for improved long-wavelength light absorption
EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)
Commonly used encapsulation material for photovoltaic modules, with good transparency and weather resistance.
TPT (Tedlar-PET-Tedlar)
Commonly used backsheet materials for photovoltaic modules
POE (Polyolefin Elastomer)
A new photovoltaic encapsulation material with excellent weather resistance
CdTe (Cadmium Telluride)
A thin-film solar cell material with high conversion efficiency
CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium Selenide)
An efficient thin film solar cell material
Photovoltaic Performance Parameters and Test Conditions
VOC (Open-Circuit Voltage)
Maximum output voltage of a solar cell when not connected to a load (open circuit state)
ISC (Short-Circuit Current)
Maximum output current of solar cell under short-circuit conditions
MPP (Maximum Power Point)
Operating point at which solar cell output is maximized
STC (Standard Test Conditions)
Standard environmental conditions for testing PV module performance: Irradiance: 1000 W/m² (1 kW/m²), Cell Temperature: 25°C (77°F), Air Mass: AM1.5G
NOCT (Nominal Operating Cell Temperature)
Test conditions closer to the real working environment: Irradiance: 800 W/m², Ambient Temperature: 68°F (20°C), Wind Speed: 1 m/s.
AM (Air Mass)
The length of the path of sunlight through the atmosphere, which affects the spectral distribution
η (Efficiency)
An indicator of the ability of a photovoltaic module to convert light energy into electrical energy.
FF (Fill Factor)
A measure of the ratio of the actual maximum output power of a solar cell to its theoretical maximum output power
DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance)
Intensity of direct radiation received in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the sun’s rays
GHI (Global Horizontal Irradiance)
Total intensity of radiation received on the horizontal plane, including direct and scattered radiation
LID (Light Induced Degradation)
Performance degradation of photovoltaic modules during the initial use phase
PID (Potential Induced Degradation)
Performance degradation of photovoltaic modules in high voltage environments
LeTID (Light and Elevated Temperature Induced Degradation)
Performance degradation of poly crystalline silicon cells under light and high temperature conditions
TC (Thermal Cycling)
Test Methods for Evaluating Temperature Resistance of Photovoltaic Modules
HF (Humidity Freeze)
Test Methods for Evaluating the Resistance of Photovoltaic Modules to Humidity, Heat and Freezing
DH (Damp Heat)
Test Methods for Evaluating PV Module Resistance to High Temperature and Humidity
kWp (Kilowatt Peak)
Maximum output power of the PV system under standard test conditions
kWh (Kilowatt Hour)
A unit of energy that represents the amount of energy produced by one kilowatt of power in one hour.
Photovoltaic Installation
BOS (Balance of System)
Components of a photovoltaic system other than photovoltaic modules
BAPV (Building Applied Photovoltaics)
Technologies for installing solar panels on the surface of existing buildings
BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics)
Technologies for integrating solar photovoltaic systems into building structures
EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction)
Overall service model for the construction of photovoltaic power plants
FPV (Floating Photovoltaic)
Photovoltaic systems installed on water, usually built on lakes, reservoirs or oceans
CPV (Centralized Photovoltaic)
Large-scale ground-mounted PV plants, usually directly connected to the grid
DPV (Distributed Photovoltaic)
Small-scale photovoltaic systems, usually mounted on or near buildings, consume electricity nearby
Circuit formed by multiple PV modules connected in series
Multiple PV strings or modules connected in parallel to form a larger system
Combiner Box
Junction box for combining the outputs of multiple PV strings
JB (Junction Box)
Sealed box for electrical connection on the backside of the PV module
GCR (Ground Coverage Ratio)
Ratio of module area to total floor space
ATS (Automatic Tracking System)
A system that automatically adjusts the angle of PV modules according to the position of the sun
TPM (Tilt and Pan Mechanism)
Racking systems that allow the angle and orientation of PV modules to be adjusted
SAT (Site Acceptance Test)
Performance and security testing after installation
AOI (Angle of Incidence)
The angle between the sunlight and the surface of the PV module affects the design of the mounting.
BOS (Balance of System)
All other components of a photovoltaic system except for the photovoltaic modules, including racking
Photovoltaic System Performance and Economic Indicators
LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy)
Important metrics for measuring the economics of photovoltaic power generation
PR (Performance Ratio)
Ratio of actual power generation to theoretical power generation of PV system
ROI (Return on Investment)
Important indicators for evaluating the economics of PV systems.
Photovoltaic Power Systems and Grid Connection
DC (Direct Current)
Current flowing in a single direction, raw output of the PV module
AC (Alternating Current)
The output of the current, which changes direction periodically, is converted by an inverter.
MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)
Techniques for regulating the operating state of the system to obtain maximum output power
DG (Distributed Generation)
Small-scale power generation facilities close to the consumer, e.g., rooftop photovoltaic systems
FIT (Feed-in Tariff)
Purchase price of electricity generated by grid-connected PV systems by the grid company
PCC (Point of Common Coupling)
Connection point of distributed generation systems to the grid
RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard)
Policies requiring electric utilities to use a certain percentage of renewable energy sources
PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)
Commonly used business models for photovoltaic power generation projects.
Electrical Safety and Protection
RCD (Residual Current Device)
Safety device that detects current imbalance and cuts off the circuit in case of danger
MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker)
Switching devices for protection of circuits against overloads and short circuits
SPD (Surge Protection Device)
Device to protect electrical equipment from voltage surges
GFDI (Ground Fault Detection and Interruption)
Safety devices for detecting and disconnecting ground faults in photovoltaic systems
AFDI (Arc Fault Detectionand Interruption)
Safety features for recognizing and interrupting dangerous arcs in photovoltaic systems
ISO (Isolation)
Function to safely disconnect the PV system from the grid during maintenance