Afrique du Sud : centrale photovoltaïque de 86 MW - solutions de batteries d'accumulateurs

Afrique du Sud : centrale photovoltaïque de 86 MW - solutions de batteries de stockage

In the monitoring system developed by the relevant German Skytron Energy announced on February 10, South Africa’s 86.2MW photovoltaic power plant using the company’s energy monitoring system, including all of the energy storage battery.

The one million photovoltaic plant in Africa, one of the largest photovoltaic power plant “Mulilo Sonnedix Prieska Photovolmwc plant”, scheduled for completion in July 2016.

Power stations built in the outskirts of Prieska. It will supply approximately 30,000 local ordinary families.

Skytron Energy provides energy monitoring technology, in line with South Africa’s unique grid standards system. South African power company ESKOM has a unique predetermined standard.

South African sunshine time in more than 2500 hours per year, is an ideal area of photovoltaic power generation. Even in this area, the use of photovoltaic power generation as a major power, but also need to improve reliability and reduce costs,

Allegedly, the millions of photovoltaic power plants, by the Government of South Africa for renewable energy independent power operator procurement plan one (REIPPPP) certification program “Renewable Energy Independent power producer procurement programmer”.

REIPPPP is to promote the development of 18GW by 2030 the total renewable energy power stations, while total certified 8.4GW PV power plant program.

The current global energy solutions is an important issue, storage batteries need to ensure sustainable energy, but also to ensure environmental environmental issues. Today, the requirements for energy systems is increasing. But wisdom power also continuously improve the technical requirements of the battery itself, trying to provide users with reliable lead-acid batteries.

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