USFULL FU9000C Compresor de aire VFD


USFULL FU9000C Series VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) is a tailored solution to Air Compressor.
The speed of the air compressor motor is related to the performance of the air compressor.


PMSM air Compressor
Asynchronous air Compressor

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    Air compressor is a machine with a motor or engine that compresses air to increase air pressure or supply air. As basic industrial equipment, air compressors have been widely used in multiple kinds of industrial fields such as metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, mining, electric power, textile, petrochemical, and textile industry.

    The power consumption of the air compressor accounts for 15% of the total power consumption. Most air compressors have obvious inherent technical weaknesses due to their structure and principle. The adjustment of the output pressure is realized by manually adjusting the opening of the valve. Its disadvantages are slow adjustment speed, large fluctuation, poor stability and low precision.

    USFULL FU9000C Series VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) is a tailored solution to Air Compressor.

    The speed of the air compressor motor is related to the performance of the air compressor. By precisely synchronizing the voltage and frequency control in the air compressor system, the use of frequency converters in the air compressor system can achieve actual motor speed control without changing the air compressor motor torque.

    Using VFD, the air compressor unit should reach the minimum pressure required by the industrial machine as the set pressure. The frequency converter changes the compressor speed according to the fluctuation trend of the pipeline pressure, which saves the exhaust process of the air compressor and saves electric energy.

    We have two solutions.

    1. Frequency Converter for Asynchronous Air Compressor

    2. Frequency Converter for PMSM Air Compressor

    It is common that no matter how diligent you are, the air compressor would suck up a lot of power from the grid. In this case, you need to add a USFULL frequency inverter. What’s more, as USFULL specializes in producing and installing air compressor inverters, we can offer our customers not only high-quality products but also professional installation services.

    USFULL frequency inverter supports communication protocols including Modbus-RTU, Profibus-DP, Profinet etc.

    Existe un estricto sistema ERP para controlar cada unidad de materia prima con el fin de ofrecer a los clientes la mejor calidad y un servicio considerado.

    We have IEC test reports and CE certificate to ensure quality, and provide 18-month after-sales service to ensure worry-free purchase.

    If you have more inquiry for our inverter, you can check from our website to get more.

    Le invitamos a enviarnos su consulta y a debatir la solución más adecuada para su proyecto.

    FU9000C-0R7G-S2 1 fase
    0.75 8.2 4
    FU9000C-1R5G-S2 1.5 14 7
    FU9000C-2R2G-S2 2.2 23 9.6
    FU9000C-004G-S2 11 46.5 45
    FU9000C-5R5G-S2 15 62 60
    FU9000C-7R5G-S2 18.5 76 75
    FU9000C-0R7G-2 3 fases
    0.75 5 3.8
    FU9000C-1R5G-2 1.5 5.8 5.1
    FU9000C- 2R2G-2 2.2 10.5 9
    FU9000C-004G-2 4 14.6 13
    FU9000C-5R5G-2 5.5 26 25
    FU9000C-7R5G-2 7.5 35 32
    FU9000C-011G-2 11 46.5 45
    FU9000C-015G-2 15 62 60
    FU9000C-018G-2 18.5 76 75
    FU9000C-022G-2 22 92 91
    FU9000C-030G-2 30 113 112
    FU9000C-037G-2 37 157 150
    FU9000C-D45G-2 45 180 176
    FU9000C-055G-2 55 214 210
    FU9000C-0R7G-4 3 fases
    0.75 3.4 2.5
    FU9000C-1R5G-4 1.5 5 3.7
    FU9000C-2R2G-4 22 5.8 5
    FU9000C-004G/5R5P-4 4.0/ 5.5 10/ 15 9/ 13
    FU9000C-5R5G/7R5P-4 5.5/ 7.5 15/ 20 13/ 17
    FU9000C-7R5G/011P-4 7.5/ 11 20/ 26 17/ 25
    FU9000C-011G/015P-4 11/ 15 26/ 35 25/ 32 .
    FU9000C-015G/018P-4 15/ 18.5 35/ 38 32/ 37
    FU9000C-018G/022P-4 18.5/ 22 38/ 46 37/ 45
    FU9000C-022G/030P-4 22/ 30 46/ 62 45/ 60
    FU9000C-030G/037P-4 30/ 37 62/ 76 60/ 75
    FU9000C-037G/045P-4 37/ 45 76/ 90 75/ 89
    FU9000C-045G/055P-4 45/ 55 92/ 113 91/ 112
    FU9000C-055G/075P-4 55/ 75 113/ 157 112/ 150
    FU9000C-075G/090P-4 75/ 90 157/ 180 150/ 176
    FU9000C-090G/110P-4 90/ 110 180/ 214 176/ 210
    FU9000C-110G/132P-4 110/ 132 214/ 256 210/ 253
    FU9000C-132G/160P-4 132/ 160 256/ 307 253/ 304
    FU9000C-160G/185P-4 160/ 185 307/ 340 300/ 330
    FU9000C-185G/200P-4 185/ 200 340/ 385 330/ 380
    FU9000C-200G/220P-4 200/ 220 385/ 430 377/ 426
    FU9000C-220G/250P-4 220/ 250 430/ 468 426/ 465
    FU9000C-250G/280P-4 250/ 280 468/ 525 465/ 520
    FU9000C-280G/315P-4 280/ 315 525/ 590 520/ 585
    FU9000C-315G/350P-4 315/ 350 590/ 665 585/ 650
    FU9000C-350G-4 350 665 650
    FU9000C-400G-4 400 785 725
    FU9000C-500G-4 500 883 820
    FU9000C-630G-4 630 1080 1000

    Que el mundo conozca USFULL

    USFULL se especializa en inversores de bombeo solar y variadores de frecuencia. La investigación y el desarrollo de la tecnología del producto se actualizan constantemente. El diseño de la carcasa está patentado. Sólo hacemos productos que hacen felices a los clientes.


    Por qué USFULL

    Elíjanos para una diferencia notable en su experiencia de producto. No nos limitamos a ofrecer artículos; proporcionamos soluciones adaptadas a su visión única.

    Nuestro compromiso con la innovación le permite acceder a las últimas tecnologías y tendencias del sector. Nuestra meticulosa atención a la calidad garantiza que cada producto cumpla las normas más estrictas y ofrezca un rendimiento excepcional y una fiabilidad duradera.

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    Hable con nuestros comerciales

    USFULL se centra en el mercado mundial y ofrece a sus clientes productos adecuados para el mercado local:

    • Folleto completo que puede descargar
    • 1-3 años de garantía de calidad
    • Entrega relámpago
    • OEM Y ODM
    • Rápida respuesta o entusiasmo
    • Producción rápida
    • MOQ bajo


    Póngase en contacto con nosotros

    Inquebrantable en nuestra dedicación a los clientes y ofreciendo innovaciones de vanguardia, USFULL se erige como su firme aliado en el camino que nos aguarda.
