Pakistan Market Analysis with Requirement of Drive

Pakistan Marktanalyse mit Antriebsbedarf

Located in the northwest subcontinent of South Asia, south of the Arabian Sea, east of India, northeast of the People’s Republic of China, northwest and Afghanistan at the junction of the west of Iran.

Is the rapid economic growth of the developing countries, three-fifths of the territory for the mountains and hills, the southern coastal area for the desert, stretching to the north is the plateau ranch and fertile soil fertile soil.

Belong to the tropical climate, the temperature is generally high, relatively rare precipitation, annual precipitation less than 250 mm of the region accounted for more than three quarters of the total area.

Indian river flows through Pakistan, the Indian River runoff season changes in order to adjust the water to meet the needs of irrigation, the construction of a large number of water conservancy projects for the development of agricultural production to create the conditions.

Pakistan’s economic structure is based on a shift from agriculture-based to service.

The largest industrial sector is cotton textile industry, the other is wool textile, sugar, paper, tobacco, leather, machinery manufacturing, fertilizer, cement, electricity, natural gas, oil and so on.

Industrial Products in Pakistan(unit:10,000 tons
2006/2007 2007/2008 2008.7/2009.3
Cotton Yarm 272.76 280.94 221.89
Cotton Cloth(million m2 1012.9 1016.4 763.4
Sugar 352.7 473.3 320.6
Nitrogen fertilizer 33.08 34.37 24.57
Phosphate fertilizer 14.89 15.76 14.32
Cement 2273.9 2675.1 2027.7
Bicycle(10000 piece) 48.63 53.55 28.53

Grain yield a lot, rice, cotton and exports. Because it is located in subtropical, fruit resources are very rich, Pakistan is known as the East “fruit basket,” said. In the plains of depression rich in bananas, oranges, mango, guava and all kinds of melons, in the mountain plateau is rich in peaches, grapes, persimmons and so on.

Fiscal year 2009/2010 Agricultural growth rate of 2%. The main agricultural products are wheat, rice, cotton, sugar cane and so on. The country’s arable land area of 57.68 million hectares, of which the actual cultivated area of 21.68 million hectares. The agricultural population accounts for about 66.5% of the country’s population. The main crop yields are as follows (unit: 10,000 tons):

2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012
Wheat 2421.4 2400 1359.5
Rice 482.3 620 616
Corn 334.1 360 427
Sugar Cane 5530 5620 5800
Cotton(10000 bags) 1146 1260 1359

2014-2015 fiscal year, Pakistan agricultural growth rate of 2.9%. The main agricultural products are wheat, rice, cotton, sugar cane and so on. The country’s arable land area of 57.68 million hectares, of which the actual cultivated area of 21.68 million hectares. The agricultural population accounts for about 66.5% of the country’s population.

In recent years, the main crop production is as follows (unit: 10000 tons):

2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015
Wheat 2521 1359 2421 2598 2548
Rice 482 616 553 680 700
Corn 370 433 442 494 470
Sugar Cane 5530 5839 6384 6746 6265
Cotton(10000 bags) 1146 1359 1303 1277 1398

However, due to natural disasters, economic and war reasons, Pakistan’s national food security situation fell sharply. For the full year of 2013, Pakistan’s daily food (flour, rice, edible oil, tea, pepper, etc.) prices rose 35%.

Although it seems a lot of national grain production, but in fact the domestic food shortage in Pakistan has not been resolved.

Main imports of petroleum and petroleum products, machinery and transportation equipment, steel products, fertilizer and electrical products. Main exports of rice, cotton, textiles, leather products and carpets.

In November 2006, China signed a free trade agreement with Pakistan, hoping to quadrender the $ 4.2 billion bilateral trade volume to $ 15 billion within five years. Pakistan’s exports in 2007 reached $ 20.58 billion.

Based on the above analysis, our main products FU9000A & FU9000S fully meet the needs of Pakistan’s industrial and agricultural applications, our application is as follows:


Sawing Machine Conveyer Agriculture Machining Center
Textile Machine Cutting Machine Tea Machine Fan
Water Pump Speed Frames Ventilation Crane
Pultrusion Machine Spinning Frame Building Steel Machine
Kompressor Die Casting Machines Air Conditioning Equipment Tilting
Injection Machine Pulper Cement Automobile Manufacturing Industry
Food Mix Machine Air Compressor Rotary Kiln Electronic Manufacturing Industry
Water Treatment Equipment Injection Molding Machine Heavy Machinery Air Compressor
Refrigeration Equipment Extruder Main Drive Motor Injection Molding Machine
Blower Film Blowing Machine Belt Conveyor Air Blower
Chemical Fiber and Textile Printing Press Vibrating Feeder Paint Mixing
Sizing Machine Mine Hoist Vertical Fan Conveyor Belt
Loom Conveyor Belt Lathe Electric Submersible Pump
Carding Machine Moving Vehicle Planer Iron and Steel Industry
Oil Industry Machine Tool Manufacturing Industry Milling Machine Rolling Mill
Oil Pump Grinding Machine Shaving Machine Roller


The FU9000S off-grid solar pumping drive is developed by the Fullwill company in 2014, adopt Infineon IGBT modules, and TI company 64MHZ,

32bit high-performance processor, power supply supports DC and AC input on hardware.

When there is no solar energy, the drive could be switch to single or three-phase ac input, such as generator or batteries.

Using maximum power point tracking and sophisticated motor drive technology on software, to maximize the output power of solar module, and to ensure the pump water yield maximum point, Welcomed by the majority of users.

Here we briefly introduce the working principle of FU9000S solar pumping drive:

When the sun rises, the voltage of the solar panel rises gradually, when the DC voltage reaches 280v, the water pump drive starts to show in the standby mode, wait until the voltage rises to the maximum power point voltage, the drive starts to work and the water coming from water pump. Along with the voltage increases, the water from pump also gradually increase until the drive frequency reaches 50HZ, the water flow reaches the maximum.

The weather changes rapidly during the day, When the clouds come over and cover the solar panels, the DC output voltage of solar panel will plummet. At this time the drive starts to reduce the output frequency according to the voltage fluctuation, the water pump displacement starts to reduce, if the reduction in displacement is not able to maintain the DC voltage above the maximum power point voltage, the drive begins to be in the standby state, if the voltage is less than 100v, the drive will cut off the internal power supply, digital tube will be turn off. When the clouds dispersed, the output voltage of solar panel increases gradually, when the voltage reaches 280v when the drive starts to show in standby mode, and then the voltage reaches the maximum power point voltage, the drive begin to drive the pump, the pump begin to work.

When the night falls gradually, the sunlight weakened gradually, the output voltage of solar panel reduced, the drive began to reduce the output frequency to maintain the pump working. When the voltage lower than the maximum power point voltage, the drive will stop working. when the voltage is below 100v, the drive automatically turns off the internal power supply, the drive screen will be off, waiting for a new round of sun rise, the drive will work again automatically.

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