USFULL FU9000S Solar-Pumpenantrieb in der Wüste von Ägypten

FU9000S Solar Pumping Drive Used In Desert Of Egypt

After Solar-Tec exhibition of Egypt ,our manager Ms Scarlettl with Miss Sarah visited our important customerwho lived near theSahara  Desert. And here is famous in White desert. They drived 700KM to the white desert. It looked really fantastic and charming.

When they arrived the customer’s farms, they saw farmers can plant date palm trees,lemontrees,orange trees and also raised the sheep ,chicken,duck after using our solar irrigation systems.They checked the solar system how to work and tested the drive how to get the maximum efficiency.

As we know the weather changes rapidly during the day,When the clouds come over and cover the solar panels,the DC output voltage of solar panel will plummet.At this time the drive starts to reduce the output frequency according to the voltage fluctuation,the water pump displacement starts to reduce,If the reduction in displacement is not able to maintain the DC voltage above the maximum power point voltage,the drive begins to be in the standby state,If the voltage is less than 100v,the drive will cut off the internal power supply,digital tube will be turn off.When the clouds dispersed,the output voltage of solar panel increases gradually,when the voltage reaches 280v when the drive starts to show in standby mode,and then the voltage reaches the maximum power point voltage,the drive begin to drive the pump,the pump begin to work.

When the night falls gradually, the sunlight weakened gradually, the output voltage of solar panel reduced, the drive began to reduce the output frequency to maintain the pump working. When the voltage lower than the maximum power point voltage, the drive will stop working. when the voltage is below 100v, the drive automatically turns off the internal power supply, the drive screen will be off, waiting for a new round of sun rise, the drive will work again automatically.

They stayed there for two days in order to observe if the drive can work properly.In fact the drive is used very nice.And we find this is a conscientious project, we should make the project perfect, so that poor farmers can create a bumper harvest to improve their life as soon as possible!

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Solar-Tec 2016 in Cairo
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