Wie wählt man den besten Solarpumpen-Wechselrichter für seine Bedürfnisse?

When it comes to powering a water pump with solar energy, one of the key components is the solar pump inverter. The power produced by solar panels is converted by this device from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which can be deployed to power electric pumps. To ensure the effective and dependable operation of your pump system, selecting the perfect solar pump inverter is essential.

There are several options to choose from when it comes to solar pump inverters, including single phase and three phase inverters, as well as grid-tied and off-grid inverters. Single phase inverters are suitable for small pump systems, while three phase inverters are suitable for larger pump systems. Grid-tied inverters are connected to the grid and can sell excess power back to the utility, while off-grid inverters are not connected to the grid and are suitable for remote locations.

Apart from that, there are many other factors that you need to consider before buying a solar pump inverter. Let’s discuss those factors in detail.

Prüfen Sie die Leistungsgröße der Pumpe

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a solar pump inverter is the size of the pump. If the pump power is larger than the inverter, the inverter will not be able to run the pump, resulting in an overcurrent or overload. On the other hand, if the pump power is smaller than the inverter, it will not be able to utilize the full capacity of the inverter, leading to an inefficient use of resources. It is essential to choose a solar pump inverter that can handle the power requirements of your pump.

Die Nennleistung des Solarpumpen-Wechselrichters muss eine Leistungsgröße höher sein als die des Wechselrichters oder mindestens der der Pumpe entsprechen.

Prüfen Sie die Spannung der Pumpe

Another important factor to consider is the voltage of the pump. The voltage of the solar pump inverter should match the voltage of the pump to avoid any damage to the pump. If the voltage is not compatible, it can lead to problems such as voltage drop, which can damage the pump. It is important to check the voltage and rated current of your pump and choose a solar pump inverter that is compatible.

220V Solar-Pumpen-Wechselrichter ist geeignet für 220V-240V ac Pumpensystem, und 380V Solar-Pumpen-Wechselrichter ist geeignet für 380V-480V Pumpe.

USFULL Solarpumpen-Wechselrichter 220V der Serie SS2 können sowohl für einphasige 220V Solarpumpensysteme als auch für dreiphasige 220V Pumpensysteme verwendet werden.

Prüfen Sie den Nennstrom der Pumpe

Der Nennstrom des Wechselrichters für die Silar-Pumpe muss höher oder mindestens gleich hoch wie der der Pumpe sein.

Vorschläge für die Anschaffung einer neuen Pumpe für ein Solarpumpensystem

Before choosing a solar pump inverter, it is essential to assess your pump requirements. If you need a new pump, there are several factors to consider in order to choose a suitable pump for your system. These include the head (borehole depth), flow rate, and other technical specifications.

Landpumpe oder Tauchmotorpumpe

Solar pump inverter can be used both on land pump and submersible pump. If the head (borehole depth) is over 50 meters for submersible pump, an extra AC output reactor will be an ideal choice to support pump get better performance.

Einphasiges oder dreiphasiges Solarpumpensystem

If the pump power is over 1.5 KW, it is recommended to use a pump with a voltage of 380V to 480V. 3 phase pump requires lower current, which means lower current requirement of solar pump inverter, and less input current needed from the solar panels.

Es ist auch wichtig, die Förderhöhe und den Durchfluss der Pumpe zu berücksichtigen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.


The USFULL solar pump inverter makes it easy to turn your solar panels into a working and sustainable water pump. It will run on polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels, which means it’s more efficient. Put it at the top of your list!

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